Why Is Jennifer Lopez Falling In Love
With This New Skin-Rejuvenating Secret?
Dear Reader,
It 's rare when you find super-celebs like Jennifer Lopez publicly “falling in love,” with this new skin-rejuvenating technology, when it’s not one of their “official” paid endorsements... Or seeing Gwyneth Paltrow and Julianne Moore showing up at Saks Fifth Avenue just to support the release party of the big breakthrough I’m about to tell you about.1
It's rarer still finding the First Lady writing a personal letter about this new discovery.2
What’s the secret that has my patients and readers—and all those celebrities—so head-over-heels excited about?
The surprising answer hides inside a sour Swiss apple. Researchers discovered its power to naturally make your skin beautiful and soft, looking youthful again.
Surprising Swiss Apple Fires Up The
Power Inside Your Own Cells
Once picked, the Uttwiler Spätlauber apple stays fresh for months, long after other apples shrivel3, dry up and go rotten. While still on the tree, it has the power to heal itself even when sliced, or stabbed. All thanks to its remarkable stem cells.
The stem cells in our skin are not so lucky. They have a limited lifespan, and get killed off by assaults from toxins, UV light, chemicals and preservatives in our food. And that’s why your skin starts to sag, wrinkle and look blotchy. When your stem cells die off, your skin loses all the way around.
But a clever team of Swiss researchers found a way to apply the stem cells of the Uttwiler Spätlauber directly to your skin.
And they didn’t just hope for the best by dropping an extract into a skin cream; they went a step further.
With amazing results.
Skin cells exposed to the stem cells of this incredible Swiss apple looked younger and beautiful longer.
That’s why it’s known as a “self-renewal formula.”
In just a second, I’ll show you some of the studies, and show you exactly how this works to make YOUR skin look as radiant as it did the day you were born.
First, I want you to know that while this technology sounds very elite and expensive, I’ve come up with a way to make it VERY affordable. So I just want to get this out of the way right now.
So What Are Celebrities Actually Paying
For This Revolutionary New Skin Cream?
Order just this one Swiss apple breakthrough from Saks Fifth Avenue and you’ll pay $355 for a 30ml jar. And, as with most commercial skin creams, you’ll get at least a dozen potentially toxic chemicals that come standard in these formulas... even the ones from high-priced department stores.
But by special arrangement with the manufacturer, I’m able to bring you the very same technology that impressed our First Lady, for a FRACTION of the cost.
And as you’ll soon find out...
I Included Not One, But TWO Stem Cell
Technologies In My New Formula
The secret of the Swiss apple is just one.
That means you’ll be able to use the skin miracle RIGHT AWAY. I’ll even give you a full money-back guarantee that this breakthrough will transform your skin and impress you, just like it did all those celebrities.
Now that you know this spectacular discovery is not only effective, but also affordable, let me show you what else it can do.
With this new skin care breakthrough...
You Reawaken Your Skin’s Vitality And Radiant Look
When the Uttwiler Spätlauber extract became public, the whole world of anti-aging skincare went into a frenzy. Aside from the celebrity buzz, you had savvy, beauty-conscious women worldwide singing its praises.
But there’s one problem with settling on just this one Swiss apple discovery.
This Celebrity Skin Care Formula Didn’t Go Far Enough!
Most skincare companies stopped short, relying heavily on just the apple extract’s benefits alone to wow their customers.
They neglected to tap into the real newsworthy breakthrough. You see, the Swiss apple isn’t the only skin miracle of its kind.
As an avid researcher with years of experience in skin care, I knew there was something more to this discovery. So I created a breakthrough anti-aging serum I call Renew SCII, that takes full advantage of...
A NEW Natural Skin Care Revolution
See, while this rare apple’s ability to heal itself is extraordinary, the apple really isn’t the only star of the show.
The real breakthrough, is that scientists figured out how to transfer the skin-reviving power inside of fruits, flowers and plants, and apply them to your skin.
And Renew SCII taps into the wisdom of not just one, but two amazing plants using this breakthrough extraction process.
- Renew SCII teaches your skin to glow
But there’s more...
Using the same extraction technique, Renew SCII taps the power of a hardy alpine daisy, as well.
This tiny purple flower—called the globe daisy—blooms despite the extreme weather it endures perched on the side of the Swiss Alps4. And by drawing from the daisy’s amazing resilience...
- Renew SCII shows your skin how to ward off the ravages of the environment like heat, pollution, wind and sun. So your skin looks radiant and fresh instead of weatherbeaten and—well—old.
This combination gives your skin the power to glow no matter your age or the environment you live in.
- It is everything your aging skin craves to make it radiant and beautiful.
Together These Two Extracts Allow Your Skin To Radiate
Nothing in skincare promises to bring your skin this close to looking 21 again... and it does it naturally and safely.
You’re probably already imagining what it would be like to see wrinkles start to fade as your skin becomes more vibrant and elastic, stretching taut across your face.
But I’m sure you’re also a little skeptical. The world of skincare is full of promises that NEVER deliver.
And too many times these promises fall flat when you look in the mirror and see the same skin, the same lines, the same blemishes and dullness.
So let’s step back a moment.
Let me show you how your skin really works, and why these extractions wake up your skin’s ability to keep itself young and beautiful.
For The First Time, We Know How Your Skin Regenerates
Until recently, scientists have not been able to agree about how skin repairs and rejuvenates itself. 5
But then in June, 2013 Dr. Xinshan Li and a team of researchers at Sheffield University in England changed that. They showed conclusive proof, revealing how your skin renews itself.
Battered by the environment, the cells at the surface of your skin are constantly dividing to replace themselves. But there are only so many times each of these surface cells can divide before they give out.
That’s where a special group of cells hidden in the deeper layers of your skin come to the rescue.
Unlike the cells near the surface, these hidden cells don’t divide much at all. They mostly “sleep.” They only “wake up” and start dividing if your skin suffers a serious wound. Or to replenish the stock of quickly dividing skin cells near the surface.
That’s when these special stem cells rouse themselves, and start a whole new line of skin cells.
If you didn’t have these stem cells deep inside your skin,
it wouldn’t take long for your skin to fall apart and die.
it wouldn’t take long for your skin to fall apart and die.
But thankfully, because you have these stem cells, your skin can keep bringing new life to the surface. Your skin can consistently recharge your skin’s outer layers with new cell lines.6
But here’s the problem: Over time, your supply stem cells dwindles away and eventually disappears altogether.7
That’s why as we get older our skin doesn’t heal as quickly. That’s why you start to see more wrinkles . . . more blemishes . . . more bags and sags.
If you could only keep the numbers of these cells up, you could keep your skin not just young “looking,” but biologically young.
In the past, no one could figure out how to maintain stem cells or replenish them.
That is, until now...
The Secret Language Of Cells
You and I both know we can’t talk to our stem cells and get them to step it up a notch.
But plants can.
More specifically, plant stem cells can.
It turns out our cells and plant cells speak the same language. They speak a language made up of signal molecules.
Remember that rare Swiss apple that seemed to stay forever young? And that daisy that bloomed beautifully despite the roughest alpine weather?
The cells from those plants have their own “language” to signal what they do.
It’s actually pretty simple.
They cut the apple, and just as the apple starts to regrow the new skin, they take those cells and grow them into a larger culture.
Essentially, they “capture” the cells at the moment they are spreading the word to rebuild and renew.
Out of this culture, they not only get the regenerative cells, but they also get the signal molecules that tell the cells to renew.8
Of course all this sounds good, but does this really work?
Researchers Demonstrate Amazing Results
With New Plant Extracts
With New Plant Extracts
When researchers mixed some of the apple extract with a culture of human stem cells...
The apple extract just about DOUBLED the number of human stem cells in the culture!9
But researchers didn’t stop there. They wanted to see what would happen to the human stem cells when they were exposed to UV light. Would the apple extract protect them from the damaging rays?
When exposed to UV light alone, 50% of the human stem cells died.10
But when they added the apple extract, less than 10% died.
Even with damaging UV light, almost twice as many stem cells survived thanks to the apple extract!11
The amazing results kept coming. The apple extract seemed to turn on genes that prevented stem cell death... protect cells against free radical destruction... and even repaired their DNA!
And when 20 volunteers used the extract on their skin, the results were indisputable.
100% of the volunteers saw their wrinkles noticeably smoothed away after just 28 days!12
Researchers saw equally stunning results with the extract from the alpine flower.
The alpine flower extract more than doubled the number of human stem cells in the test cultures13
This same extract:
Increased the number of skin cells in test cultures 14
Stimulated the production of a protein (sirtuin-1) essential for skin longevity15,16; and
Sped up skin’s production of the super antioxidant SOD that protects against damage and hypersensitivity17,18,19
When volunteers used this on their skin, they saw more beautiful, luminous skin. Less redness and blemishes. More smooth, radiant beauty.20
In fact, even smokers saw significant changes in their skin thanks to this extract.21
As one researcher explained, this mountain flower extract is like a “self-defense class” for your skin cells.22
It tells your cells how to step up their self-protection.
No other ingredient can do this for your skin.
Imagine what your skin would look like if you could double the amount of regenerative stem cells you had.
Imagine if you could help your stem cells resist UV or free radical damage.
Just with these two ingredients alone—two ingredients that complement each other so beautifully—you can...
Transform Your Skin By “Reminding”
It How To Be Young And Supple
It How To Be Young And Supple
With these two extracts alone you’ll love what you’d see in the mirror...
But that would STILL be an incomplete formulation.
That’s why I included additional skin nutrients that complement the work of these two special plant extracts.
Renew SCII gives your skin a more complete formula to:
Fight Off Damaging Free Radicals |
Free radicals are perhaps one of the biggest threats to your skin’s health, breaking down the molecules that hold your skin together.
Renew SCII’s Japanese Green Tea extract, Pantothenic acid (vitamin B5), vitamin C and L-Carnosine support your skin’s ongoing battle against free radicals.
Renew SCII’s Japanese Green Tea extract, Pantothenic acid (vitamin B5), vitamin C and L-Carnosine support your skin’s ongoing battle against free radicals.
Replenish Your Skin’s Natural Healthy Ecology |
Instead of using harsh preservatives and antibacterial chemicals like some skincare products, Renew SCII nourishes a healthy skin ecology with yogurt and fermented radish extract.
These two skin ecology-supporting ingredients help keep your skin tone even, rebalance your skin’s natural pH, and moisture.23.24
And without moisture, good nutrition and probiotics can’t do their job. That’s why Renew SCII also helps your skin...
And without moisture, good nutrition and probiotics can’t do their job. That’s why Renew SCII also helps your skin...
Hold On To Every Drop Of Water, Just Like A Baby’s Skin |
Your skin’s most precious nutrient is water.
- Renew SCII helps your skin hold moisture by nourishing its outer layers with rich Moroccan argan nut oil, and a special mixture of skin-healthy oils called ceramides..
- Renew SCII also gives your skin more hyaluronic acid (HA). HA, found in high concentrations in a baby’s skin, forms a special water-holding matrix.25 So your skin can hold onto every drop of moisture you bring in.
Experience An Instant "Face Lift" |
- Extracts from yeast and DMAE help fuel skin cells making the appearance look firm....
- And a special micro-algae extract combined with special sugars gives you almost instant results. Within minutes of application you’ll feel your skin tauten up.26
You’ll redefine your face with your cheekbones and beautiful brows, not with lines and bags.
And unlike other quick fixes like Botox, these skin tighteners are healthy and safe. In fact your whole experience with Renew SCII will be sensuous and satisfying.
And Renew SCII Feels Good On Your Skin!
When you apply Renew SCII, your skin feels clean and fresh. Never greasy or oily. No redness, and no dryness, either. No irritation like those Retinol-infused products, and no skin dandruff from too much exfoliation.
Sensitive skin, oily skin, delicate older skin... it doesn’t matter what your skin type is, you’ll enjoy how it feels.
The beautiful thing about the Renew SCII approach is that it works with your skin, nourishing it and guiding it. Not manhandling it like so many rough anti-aging lotions do.
Renew SCII gives your skin a gentle, complete and effective formula for beating back the claws of time and the savage attacks of the environment.
It has everything your skin needs to rediscover its youth, and revel in it.
And it’s affordable.
Remember at the beginning of this letter I told you I made a special arrangement with the manufacturer to put this in your hands for a fraction of the cost?
You’ll NEVER Pay Saks Fifth Avenue Prices!
Why spend $355 for the famous Swiss apple beauty secret when it has all those missing pieces in the formula?
I designed a more complete, more effective formula for LESS than HALF the cost of the Saks Fifth Avenue version.
With Renew SCII:
- You get more anti-aging power, with TWO revolutionary stem cell plant extracts, along with special skin-soothing ingredients like yogurt and Japanese green tea, Moroccan argan nut oil, DMAE, hyaluronic acid, L-Carnosine, Vitamin B5, and Vitamin C.
- You get a formula so powerful and so technologically advanced, just a few dabs can transform your skin.
And you’ll save a boatload of money, too.
I’m happy to make this exceptional, “super-formula” available to you at a significantly lower price.
In essence, you get the confidence and respect that comes with radiant beauty for less than it costs to enjoy dinner for two and a bottle of wine at your favorite restaurant.
For the cost of a night out on the town, you’ll get a celebrity-endorsed makeover of a lifetime.
See For Yourself How Renew SCII Recharges and
Revitalizes Your Skin Completely RISK FREE
Revitalizes Your Skin Completely RISK FREE
You know not everyone’s skin is the same. So you may be thinking, “What if I try this, and once again I’m disappointed?”
That’s why—unlike so many companies, and department stores—I offer a full no questions asked, no time limit guarantee.
I love hearing from women who discover Renew SCII. I love hearing how it’s changed not only their skin, but their life and how they feel about themselves.
They feel more confident . . . more beautiful . . . more glamorous.
And they get noticed a lot more often.
I love hearing stories of women kindling a new fire in their marriage sparked by how radiant they feel . . . Or women who report they’ve gain an edge at work thanks to their new self-confidence. . .
I love hearing stories of women kindling a new fire in their marriage sparked by how radiant they feel . . . Or women who report they’ve gain an edge at work thanks to their new self-confidence. . .
I know how well Renew SCII works. I know how beauty changes everything in how you present yourself and how others react to you.
And I’d hate for you to miss out trying it for yourself over money.
I’m happy to take ALL the risk.
My Full Satisfaction Guarantee: No Questions, No Time Limits
I promise you Renew SCII will:
Use the breakthrough “signal molecule” technology to transform the way your skin behaves, so you see the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles smoothed away significantly, and your skin tone become soft and even.
Nourish your skin with natural and potent anti-aging ingredients.
Make you feel at least 10 years younger, with the confidence and joy that comes with it.
If it doesn’t do this to your satisfaction, you can send me back the empty bottle, or bottles, at any time and get a full refund of your purchase price minus shipping and handling.
I’m that confident that you’re going to love what you see happening to your skin once you try it.
Accept My Special, Limited-Time Offer and SAVE Even MORE!
If you’ve read this far, you’re probably as excited as I am about this development in anti-aging skincare.
For a limited time, if you buy more than one bottle, I’m offering a generous discount.
Not only will you save more than HALF OFF the $355 department store price, you will:
Save OVER 30% when you order 3 bottles of Renew SCII for just $104.30 per bottle (regularly $149 per bottle)
Save 15% when you order 2 bottles of Renew SCII for just $134.10 per bottle (regularly $149 per bottle)
Each package comes with the same 100% satisfaction, no time limit guarantee.
With my 100% satisfaction guarantee and these special discounts, there’s no reason not to see how Renew SCII can transform your skin.
Now the decision is completely in your hands.
You can walk away and forget you ever read this letter, or you can click HERE right now and experience first-hand the amazing technology that inspired Jennifer Lopez, Gwyneth Paltrow, Julienne Moore, Michelle Obama and dozens of other A-list celebrities.
These are people who can afford anything... and they chose the weaker version of the formula I created for Renew SCII.
I urge you. Before you do anything else, take two minutes of your time and order Renew SCII.
Click HERE and get started right now.
To Living a Beautiful Life,
Each package comes with the same 100% satisfaction, no time limit guarantee.
With my 100% satisfaction guarantee and these special discounts, there’s no reason not to see how Renew SCII can transform your skin.
Now the decision is completely in your hands.
You can walk away and forget you ever read this letter, or you can click HERE right now and experience first-hand the amazing technology that inspired Jennifer Lopez, Gwyneth Paltrow, Julienne Moore, Michelle Obama and dozens of other A-list celebrities.
These are people who can afford anything... and they chose the weaker version of the formula I created for Renew SCII.
I urge you. Before you do anything else, take two minutes of your time and order Renew SCII.
Click HERE and get started right now.
To Living a Beautiful Life,
Al Sears, MD
P.S. – When you order the BEST DEAL I’m adding a special gift. You’ll receive my just-released e-Report “Unlocking The Beauty Code: The Genetic Secret To Staying Younger Longer” (a $19.99 value).
P.S. – When you order the BEST DEAL I’m adding a special gift. You’ll receive my just-released e-Report “Unlocking The Beauty Code: The Genetic Secret To Staying Younger Longer” (a $19.99 value).
With this gift, you’ll get a complete beauty transformation package.
But keep in mind, it’s only available if you order the BEST DEAL. If you wait too long, you’ll miss out on this bonus.
But keep in mind, it’s only available if you order the BEST DEAL. If you wait too long, you’ll miss out on this bonus.
1 A Swiss Apple A Day Keeps Wrinkles Away. Swiss Broadcasting Service. Viewed 8/1/13 at http://www.swissinfo.ch/eng/swiss_news/A_Swiss_apple_a_day_keeps_wrinkles_at_bay.html?cid=7668056
2 ibid
3 A Swiss Apple A Day Keeps Wrinkles Away. Swiss Broadcasting Service. Viewed 8/1/13 at http://www.swissinfo.ch/eng/swiss_news/A_Swiss_apple_a_day_keeps_wrinkles_at_bay.html?cid=7668056
4 GlobulariaCordifolia.Royal Horticultural Society. Viewed 8/1/13 at http://apps.rhs.org.uk/plantselector/plant?plantid=885
5 Virtual Skin Model Shows Secrets Of Aging. Viewed 8/1/13 at http://www.sheffield.ac.uk/news/nr/virtual-model-skin-aging-sheffield-university-1.282738
6 X. Li et al. Skin Stem Cell Hypotheses and Long Term Clone Survival - Explored Using Agent-based ModellingScientific Reports 3, Article number: 1904 doi:10.1038/srep01904
7 http://www.sheffield.ac.uk/news/nr/virtual-model-skin-aging-sheffield-university-1.282738
8 Schmid D, et. al. "Plant Stem Cell Extract for Longevity of Skin and Hair." International Journal for Applied Science. 2008;30-35.
9 Phyto Cell Tech Malusdomestica data sheet
10 PhytoCell Tech MalusDomestica data sheet.
11 ibid
12 ibid
13 Resistem data sheet
14 ibid
15 ibid
16 Moreau, Metal.Enhancing cell longevity for cosmetic application: a complementary approach.J Drugs Dermatol. 2007 Jun;6(6 Suppl):s14-9.
17 Niwa Y etal.Lipid peroxides and superoxide dismutase (SOD) induction in skin inflammatory diseases, and treatment with SOD preparations.Dermatologica. 1989;179Suppl 1:101-6.
18 Kim Y. Regulation of skin inflammation and angiogenesis by EC-SOD via HIF-1a and NF-?Bpathways.FreeRadicBiol Med. 2111 Dec 1;51(11):1985-95. doi: 10.1016/j.freeradbiomed.2011.08.027. Epub 2011 Aug 30.
19 Resistem data sheet
20 Resistem data sheet
21 Resistem data sheet
22 Sederma launches Resistem - a natural ingredient with anti-aging benefits. Special Chem. 2011. Viewed 8/1/13 at http://www.specialchem4cosmetics.com/services/news.aspx?id=6447
23 Leuconostoc data sheet
24 Yogurtene Balance. Adina Cosmetic Ingredients. Viewed 8/1/13 at http://www.cosmeticingredients.co.uk/news_a.asp?story=41
25 Ghersetich I etal.Hyaluronic acid in cutaneous intrinsic aging.Int J Dermatol. 1994 Feb;33(2):119-22.
26 Pepha-Tight data sheet
2 ibid
3 A Swiss Apple A Day Keeps Wrinkles Away. Swiss Broadcasting Service. Viewed 8/1/13 at http://www.swissinfo.ch/eng/swiss_news/A_Swiss_apple_a_day_keeps_wrinkles_at_bay.html?cid=7668056
4 GlobulariaCordifolia.Royal Horticultural Society. Viewed 8/1/13 at http://apps.rhs.org.uk/plantselector/plant?plantid=885
5 Virtual Skin Model Shows Secrets Of Aging. Viewed 8/1/13 at http://www.sheffield.ac.uk/news/nr/virtual-model-skin-aging-sheffield-university-1.282738
6 X. Li et al. Skin Stem Cell Hypotheses and Long Term Clone Survival - Explored Using Agent-based ModellingScientific Reports 3, Article number: 1904 doi:10.1038/srep01904
7 http://www.sheffield.ac.uk/news/nr/virtual-model-skin-aging-sheffield-university-1.282738
8 Schmid D, et. al. "Plant Stem Cell Extract for Longevity of Skin and Hair." International Journal for Applied Science. 2008;30-35.
9 Phyto Cell Tech Malusdomestica data sheet
10 PhytoCell Tech MalusDomestica data sheet.
11 ibid
12 ibid
13 Resistem data sheet
14 ibid
15 ibid
16 Moreau, Metal.Enhancing cell longevity for cosmetic application: a complementary approach.J Drugs Dermatol. 2007 Jun;6(6 Suppl):s14-9.
17 Niwa Y etal.Lipid peroxides and superoxide dismutase (SOD) induction in skin inflammatory diseases, and treatment with SOD preparations.Dermatologica. 1989;179Suppl 1:101-6.
18 Kim Y. Regulation of skin inflammation and angiogenesis by EC-SOD via HIF-1a and NF-?Bpathways.FreeRadicBiol Med. 2111 Dec 1;51(11):1985-95. doi: 10.1016/j.freeradbiomed.2011.08.027. Epub 2011 Aug 30.
19 Resistem data sheet
20 Resistem data sheet
21 Resistem data sheet
22 Sederma launches Resistem - a natural ingredient with anti-aging benefits. Special Chem. 2011. Viewed 8/1/13 at http://www.specialchem4cosmetics.com/services/news.aspx?id=6447
23 Leuconostoc data sheet
24 Yogurtene Balance. Adina Cosmetic Ingredients. Viewed 8/1/13 at http://www.cosmeticingredients.co.uk/news_a.asp?story=41
25 Ghersetich I etal.Hyaluronic acid in cutaneous intrinsic aging.Int J Dermatol. 1994 Feb;33(2):119-22.
26 Pepha-Tight data sheet
* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. |
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